
405 Unforgetable Day♥

Finally I saw you again my dear Mr.Pig at Paradigm Mall after 2 years ^^ feel so excited on last Friday~
The reason about he comes M'sia is promo his "2013 Show Luo World Tour Over Limit Concert" on 3rd May and 4th May~If you haven't get your ticket ! What you want to wait?? Faster contact Galaxy Group counter or Genting Group counter to buy and get your ticket~ You will regret if you miss his concert~

I already get my ticket , my dear we meet on 4th May at Arena Genting^^

 My FM DJ's Jason is the host for this promotion activity~

Oh my God my dear so handsome

They are my dears Pig fans,really happy to see them again~ love them so much~ keep in touch^^




07.10.2023 Diary

曾经部落格盛行的时期,三不五时都会更新~ 现在距离上次更新的日子大概都是一年前的事情了~ 依然会看看曾经那个自己,看看我以前都干些什么,经历了什么。 我这个人啊~还挺念旧的喜欢缅怀过去,种种的回忆着实令人难忘。 喜欢翻翻旧照片,依然保留着朋友们家人们给我的礼物和小卡片,这些美好的...