
S.H.E Concert ~ together forever ♥

 Last Saturday have a nice memories about S.H.E 2GETHER 4EVER WORLD TOUR CONCERT at Stadium Bukit Jalil 
Since I was studied at primary school I already listened their song 
I knew them start from a very famous song "恋人未满"
love this song so much and it always come out on my k-list when i sing k at KTV

That day full of people in Stadium to enjoyed their concert
When I watched a part of video about Selina my tears drop it is so touching 
Everybody know that Selina had a accident before when she working at China
This two years she no give up and continued let herself be more better 
I'm feel  proud to her can do her best perfomance on stage
Princes NaNa you are the best

But the most I like is Ella!!!!
She's so hot,pretty and sexy
She already become"大马媳妇"
And her husband also come to support her wife
so sweet!!

I love Hebe's voice 

Oh my god they are so pretty 

This Ligth Stick very special 
cause there got people to controled the light

I'm try my best complete this post with English
hope all of you can catch my means



07.10.2023 Diary

曾经部落格盛行的时期,三不五时都会更新~ 现在距离上次更新的日子大概都是一年前的事情了~ 依然会看看曾经那个自己,看看我以前都干些什么,经历了什么。 我这个人啊~还挺念旧的喜欢缅怀过去,种种的回忆着实令人难忘。 喜欢翻翻旧照片,依然保留着朋友们家人们给我的礼物和小卡片,这些美好的...